Getting Up Happy Even When You Don’t Wake Up That Way – Diary of an Empath

Getting Up Happy Even When You Don’t Wake Up That Way – Diary of an Empath

This is an installment of my adventures of an awakening empath. By that I mean I am under 2 years of being aware of my powers, which I previously perceived as ailments, uncontrollable emotions and as a burden. While I am still learning every day how to be aware of and responsible for my energy I have gone from zero to a hundred in my competency feel unapologetically me.

As I become more aware of where and to whom my energies are getting pulled from and whose feelings I am feeling, the better and more I become empowered with my sensitives rather than just being subject to them. 

In this episode I talk about how I sometimes wake up in the morning feeling outside of myself, or even having the feeling I have dreamt someone else’s dream. It’s hard to describe. But according to my energy teacher, spirits naturally leave our bodies when we sleep to do our etheric work.

As of late I feel I’ve been doing the work of others, something empaths experience unknowingly in waking hours, but I feel like I have been doing this through my dreams. How do you control for this… ? I haven’t gotten quite that far yet, I’ll be sure to post or if you know please DM me! Still I have worked the bugs out of reclaiming me, setting my aura and removing energies that are not mine. 

This morning I awoke with terrible tightness in my diaphragm, it felt like fear or anxiousness and it was very strong and visceral in my body. I had just returned from an energy cleansing trip to nature and the snow and loved ones, I had gone to bed feeling fine, I had no anxious or scary dream so where was this feeling coming from, I wondered? Besides the curiosity, knowing that MY base feeling is rather pleasant and calm, I knew well where to start. 

Sometimes through our sleep and subconscious emotions that need attention leak out for us to deal with in waking hours so determining if it was mine or not mine was the first step. I already had the hunch that it was not originating from me. Again, nevertheless it was very strong in my body and had I not addressed could have ramshackled by whole day, in feelings of I dont’ feel right, or I feel weird, or I don’t feel so well which, would have (and in the past) led to me not enjoying my day’s adventures and even keeping me from engaging with others. -All very common symptoms of empaths. 

Through the years, all more than one… I have learned several tools to help reclaim my body without the feeling and fears of others running through me so closely I had no idea it wasn’t me. One of which is muscle testing. This technique of using kinesiology to communicate directly to your body before you are a pro of reading and trusting your own body cues.

First I named the feelings. I thought I was feeling and experiencing in my diaphragm, also the solar plexus area (this is how I usually refer to this part of my body, being energy centers). I describe the diaphragm for those who may be not yet familiar with the chakra system. I felt fear and anxiety but without the corresponding thoughts to identify them feelings can be a bit tougher to diagnose, especially if you grew up socialized not to feel a variety of feelings that didn’t include strength, pride, and winning (insight alert, that was me). Then to be clear if is was something I needed to love and work out for myself or something I “picked up” somewhere but wasn’t directly mine, I ask my body. 

The answer was. “Not mine”. Wowwww, right?? Whose is it!? Where did it come from? What does it mean….!? All very intriguing questions and when I first came into my awareness, I could literally spend the entire day in a spiral of my and other emotions trying to understand and figuring it all out.

Over time and lots of lost time, I discovered as curious and intriguing it all is, it’s not the most important thing in respect to being a healthy high functioning adult and parent or someone who just feels pretty great most of the time, in her empath body. 

So, back to the getting back to me. I was not mine so now what? Most of my empath clearing is a combination of applied kinesiology I learned from Dr, Bradley Nelson and the Emotion Code and Energy Cleariing Healing I learned from Jeffery Allen (MindValley). These 2 techniques allow me to determine where the energy is, located, whether it’s mine or not and how to clear it. 

This deep tightness in my chest, giving my body a state of physical alarm, putting me into a sympathetic nervous system response ( as I’ve gotten better, fight or flight doen’t necessarily kick me into one or the other but now I have awareness and tools acknowledge and deal with to move back in a calm peaceful comfortable, even happy state in my body). 

My solar plexus chakra was the home of this turmoil. As an empath I’ve found my solar plexus was mostly shut, where I was getting energetically moved around by the goals and intentions of others either for them or their intentions for me. Not even recognizing for myself what I even actually wanted. I thought or felt and took action so often on what “they” wanted or what was expected of me. To counterbalance disturbances to my solar plexus chakra I open it up 100% (when I am alone). If you’re not alone you may come off as overbearing or as a bulldozing type of personality or energy.  Alone in my room still in the darkness of night, under my covers I open that beautiful yellow ball of energy to the fullest and let out whatever may have been hampering my will, my confidence, my calm gut feeling. After doing this I felt some immediate relief, a subtle shift but the angsty fear feeling was still there. 

My next move was to look for emotions or trapped emotions to release. I found 3. With each consecutive release I felt better and better until I felt calm again. Relaxed.

It was almost time to get up but had I had this experience in the middle of the night and done nothing, there is no way I could have fallen back to sleep. I would have tossed and turned until morning with the angst swirling around probably getting talent to places where I did feel this feeling trying to figure it out. Nope, not any more. In fact, I could have fallen right back to sleep, of course that choice probably would have made me late for work but the point is, I felt good.  I got back to how I feel, in my body, how I felt the whole time I was on my trip, calm, relaxed, safe, a steady flow of clean and pretty peppy energy. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (This method is also a great process for insomnia!) It makes so much difference to start my day and live my day in this calm, peaceful state rather than in the low vibration energy of others.

It makes so much difference to start my day and live my day in this calm, peaceful state
rather than in the low vibration energy of others.

Do I have an idea of where the energy came from? I do, but that’s a whole other BOOK, much less a blog entry. But the difference is feeling good before stepping out of bed or going through several hours of the day in this deeply funky and uncomfortable state, or even possibly spending the whole day, maybe taking anti-anxiety meds, eating too much to try to calm it and then over correcting in the evening with other numbing behaviors like too much wine… insert your go to coping strategies… this is just what I might do in a different time when I couldn’t calm my heart, body, mind in more self elevating ways.

Because I left the house feeling good, I had a good day at work, many happy interactions with people throughout the day and I expect it to continue into the night. Can you imagine, work, traffic, errands in the sick-to-your-stomach, fight or flighty feeling might have gone at each location? 

How to calm your system when you are nervous or anxious. From flight or fight to calm and safe with...

What a different experience for me and each and every space I encountered. So my last take-away on that note is, energy is compounding. It’s not just for you to make sure you’re taking care of yourself and your energy, it’s for everyone everywhere you go… your family, your kids, your co-workers … .even the strangers covered in steel in traffic! 

If you are interested in getting more familiar with your emotions, how to protect your energy, or feel like you may be an awakening empath… or even if you just think you may have a stuck emotion, I invite you to a learn more/coaching call – GRATIS.. 
While this is my business I believe I am on this earth to ease suffering and propagate joy so lets do some of that together. 

Schedule your session here: <a href="sms:+16192464970&body=Hi%20there">Let's schedule a learn some more mini session, on me (putting good into the world). </a>

Love and light, 
Lenora Lostaunau, M.A. Communication, NBC – HWC
Holistic Mental Health Coach – Surf Therapy & Positive Psychology Practitioner

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