Freaking the F#@K OUT!? Remove Triggering Trapped Emotions

Freaking the F#@K OUT!? Remove Triggering Trapped Emotions

[Triggers and Freaking the F#@K OUT!} Want to heal triggering trapped emotions? Check it out… Funny story, donation based coaching with energy clearing..  so much good stuff all inspired by some guy cussing me out in the parking lot this morning 🤣

Today I want to talk about triggers and the trapped emotions that inspire their reaction. I have combined methodologies I learned in my yoga coach training, shadow work and energy healing to uproot the emotions that cause triggers and remove them so that they (the triggers) do not make us freak the flock out/ overreact to the point we’re embarrassed and often feel shame and need to do some damage control after the fact.

But first, I want to tell a story of how I witnessed someone get triggered and how the seeming gentleman freaked the french toast out on me and I didnt even know him.


Signs you body is holding on to trapped emotions:

Over-reaction to relatively benign stimulus

(like the guy in this story)

Muscle tension or pain that cannot otherwise be explained

Stomach or digestion problems

High blood pressure





Unexplained behavior changes in children

Finding yourself in patterns you can’t seem to avoid


Panic Attacks

Self Sabotage

Unyielding Grief

Feeling “stuck”


You know how when you go to an Office Max or industrial park parking lot sometimes there are stop signs in the parking lot? Well today, after an amazing workout, freshly showered and feeling high from a natural endorphin buzz I left the gym pumped AF.

I was  getting ready to do a full day’s work on my COACHING BIZ (  and there’s are particularly cute Starbucks around the corner from my gym that have some sweet mid-century modern leather chairs that seem to help my mental flow, and if nothing else help me prefer this Starbucks to the other 5 in the 1 mile radius.

As I am directionally challenged, I can’t remember how to get there so I pulled up the trusty GPS and of course there are several Starbucks “near me” so I got directions to the one I thought it was. The silly GPS delivered me to an empty Office Max-Like parking lot. I could hear crickets and air blowing. I think maybe I even saw a tumbleweed blow by so I pulled in, confused. I  saw a patch of shade next to a faux-stop sign, not like one in the street, a little guy inside the empty parking area and pulled over to try and recalibrate my directions to the Buckers with the cool chairs.

As I stopped I was looking in Google oracle to tell me the answers, a guy pulled up behind me and stopped, as to wait for me to continue. Plenty of room to go around although it was in the opposing lane, but again noone in there, just empty parking lot vibe. I tried to give him the wave to go around but he didn’t. He just stayed behind me saying I was blocking the road. I looked up from the GPS which is on my phone to see if someone else was there, still no one so I pointed to the space around me and asked if he could go around. I explained I  was looking for directions because I was lost. As he pulled around me (already the discussion had taken more effort to do than just go around) he exploded with expletives and something about some dumb f-ng lady blocking the road on her phone and yelled rude, insulting things as he went past.

I’ll preface my next move with the statement, I’m no saint. Still, I think most non-church going folks would have done the same, As he drove off cussing me out for virtually nothing, I flipped him a solid bird. 🙂

I thought that’d be it, a funny little interlude as I found my needle in the haystack,precious Starbucks. But no, back he came down the parking lot yelling with aggressive up-tight posture yelling something I couldn’t make out until he got closer. He was filming me with his cell phone repeating some version of his rant he used when he drove by but more strategic this time. BECAUSE, he was recording it for um… I guess the feds? He gave a play-by-play as if he were going to save humanity from some undue injustice and I guess… send me to prison.

As his histrionics far outweighed the crime, (again I am no saint and not especially proud) but as he approached recording and recanting my wrongdoings, I blew kisses and waved to the camera. I think Jackie O and princesses around the world would have given me a solid 8. 🙂

As I stayed calm and glib he became more and more enraged, promising to send the video to the cops and for me to expect a ticket in the mail. Okayyyy.  I do often wonder if those stop signs in shopping center parking lots are

part of the bigger infrastructure and violating the rules could be considered moving violations. In any case, I blocked no one and there was no danger other than this person!

I am laughing as I write because I got his goat. It’s not the most compassionate thing I could have done, I admit. However, projecting your anger and aggression at someone is an act of violence, especially to empaths who absorb the feeling and if you’re like me, a physical empath, you feel physical discomfort or pain when it hits you.

Whatever it was he was infuriated by, really had nothing to do with me or me “blocking the street”. The instance of me breaking the rules or not doing what he said triggered this anger that was already inside him. For me, my defense to his less than subtle act of aggression was to stay calm and not be intimidated by him. He kept yelling for me to move into a parking space and my response was, “manage yourself, I’ll manage me”, which made him even more angry.

He wanted me to be scared, he wanted me to comply with his self-enacted authority, he wanted power. But as I have been learning in my empath Jedi training, I was not going to give away mine, nor was I going to absorb his anger and aggression.

I didn’t and I was kind of a smartass but, the reality of the situation was I was just a lost lady in her car trying to get her bearings who pulled over to somewhere she thought and hoped would bother nonone. Still, he attacked with words, and physical stance and body language and energy, horrible hatefully angry energy.

There was a little more to the whole incident than that but you get it. He flew off the handle and responded over and above compared to the stimulus. If Spinal Tap takes it to 11 this guy took it to 15 at minimum.

After I arrived at my desired destination, I am writing from that swank chair now, I reflected and wondered how this situation had a lesson. A good test of my energy blocking shields for certain, and returning energy to sender also releasing anger from my body, but really his freak out, or what psychologists call emotional dysregulation, was a trigger witnessed live. In my psychology oriented coach mind it was like watching a slow motion replay on Animal Planet. He was in fight or flight, and I’d say his flavor of choice was fight.

As described by, “In mental health terms, a trigger refers to something that affects your emotional state, often significantly, by causing extreme overwhelm or distress.”

This can be a result of a traumatic event but not all triggers come from full blown trauma. It can be from microtraumas like being talked down to at work or getting in a fender bender or any number of things. Micro-traumas are when you experience an alarming or negative experience where for one reason or another you are unable to metabolize the emotions that came along with the experience.

When emotions get stuck in your body, you then experience the world through the lens of those emotions.

If we refer back to our “friend” from the parking lot, he wasn’t mad at me per se, but the incident in an instant pulled up (i’m guessing)  injustice and powerlessness and while my choice of place to pull over may have not been ideal, It was really quite harmless. He was experiencing our interaction through a lens of anger that was already ALIVE inside of him. I really wasn’t trying to offend him or be a nuisance, I was just a little disoriented trying to figure it out. T

his, is unfortunately is not an uncommon thing. Road rage is a common example, right? How can one become so passionately angry because you slipped in a space at the turn signal like you punched their baby.  No babies were punched.

But trapped emotions makes you feel like your baby was punched or like you want to punch a baby…depending on what’s trapped. And it’s not necessarily our parking lot friend’s fault or your fault. People tell us to “calm down” or “get over it” or “relax” or “stop being so sensitive” but nobody ever shows us how so we just stuff em down and the result is stuff like experienced today…. and that’s bad ummm kay?

If you ever feel yourself reacting to a situation in a way where your reaction far exceeds the severity of a situation this indicates a trigger and hints to unresolved trapped emotions. These trapped emotions are sneaky health risks that if not dealt with can result in depression, limiting beliefs, chronic pain, even disease and can affect your daily happiness and relationships.

The work I do in coaching combines talk based coaching, movement and energy release to let go of trapped emotions. People often seek coaching or therapy when they feel stuck or have a goal they have not been able to reach on their own. While people can find success through discipline, mindset and planning, they are far more prone to relapse if they have unmetabolized emotions or microtraumas that want them to keep reacting to life under the rule of the negative emotional lense.

People achieve based on their perceived version of reality whether it actually reflects reality. That is to say when we think we can’t we can’t, and when we think we can, miraculously we can. When you have trapped emotion, for your body, it is a reality and oftentimes you cannot see another one until the emotion is released.

If you feel you are getting triggered, or have some limiting beliefs or are having out of proportion reactions to certain settings. I invite you to do a coaching/energy release session with me. It can be extremely powerful and freeing to release these energy that could potentially be holding you back.

In my suffering relief mission, I am offering 60 of these 1-hour sessions on a donation basis. If it’s meh, move on, if it’s powerfully changing I invite you to donate accordingly. I am a certified Health and Wellness Coach, Yoga Life Coach and Trauma Informed Therapy Practitioner.

If you feel like you have some emotional baggage that you’d like to rid yourself of, schedule an appointment today. Please PM me or schedule a session here: If you have more questions before booking a session, book a discovery call (same link)

Please share with nurses, doctors, therapists, teachers, or any friends/family/colleagues who do work where they absorb energy of the people they work with.

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